LibertaGia Products

All of these products LibertaGia earn money


LiveBX is a cloud storage service (hosted in Amazon servers), which lets you save, sync and share files. This service also includes a personal agenda and a Music player.

Official site: 

LibertaGia News

Get the latest news on technology, sports, business, science, marketing and successful stories around the world. Powered by LibertaGia Mondial, the best company to work with.

Official site: 

Click Master

If you have a business website, an e-commerce platform or even a personal blog, ClickMaster is the tool you were looking for to promote them.

Official site:


GiaGift is the Online Sweepstake website of LibertaGia Mondial which is based on the model of the lowest unique bid. GiaGift has regular sweepstakes were the prize is a premium car and the participation cost is $1 for each bid.

Official site:


EasyBarg is a free classified ads portal available in 250 countries and translated in 6 languages. It is a free and easy way to buy and sell goods, with an amazing new feature, a Chat box, in which sellers can comunicate directly with potencial buyers. Easybarg directly connects buyers and sellers with common interests

Official site:

LibertaGia Stores

LibertaGia Mondial presents LibertaGia Stores, the new online shop. The most known luxury brands in the world and a wide variety of high quality products are sold on this website. You will find there brands such as Gucci, Lacoste, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace and Just Cavalli, at very competitive prices, which become irresistible. In fact, in this e-commerce platform you may find that prices are better than in physical stores.

Official site:

Salva Liberta

Insurance company that will take care of the money invested in the purchase of packages.

Official site:

LibertaGia POWER

From the members of the company in Italy is preparing a mega project that should have a validity of 20 years. Members will be able to help the company by buying shares with money of the internal balance of “Private Crowdfunding” to explore the technologies in the field of renewable energies. The benefits will be shared with members. This is something unimaginable in MLM. Renewable energies are the future and we can be part of them through LibertaGia.


One of the best application developers from Italy along with his team are already working on 5 games for LibertaGia Games. These games are for all ages, integrated into social networks and multilingual. Are expected more then million downloads which means the volume of sales would be unlimited. The games are simple.

Official site: