Interview with Mujahid Feroze: “LibertaGia Mondial helps to overcome poverty in Pakistan”

Mujahid Feroze, Pakistan's leader, talks about the importance of LibertaGia Mondial in his country.

The Pakistani leader, Mujahid Feroze, received his first payment from LibertaGia Mondial in November 2013. After that, he resigned from his job and begun to work entirely with LibertaGia Mondial.

Already from the beginning, his family thought that Mujahid Feroze was wasting his time working in LibertaGia Mondial. However, when he regularly received the payments, his family changed their minds and joined the company as well. “Now, we all feel very proud to be members of the company”, says Mujahid Feroze.

This Pakistani leader has an interesting story and LibertaGia News, wanted to share it with you. Read the interview below:

Can you describe the changes in your life due to LibertaGia Mondial?

No doubt that what I earn working at the company is a real gift of God and it has changed many things in my life. I always try to make use of this money in the best way I can. For example, I am going to continue studying, and I am planning to enroll in a Masters in Finance or Marketing.

Have you imagined that was possible to make a living from working in LibertaGia Mondial?

Yes of course, before I registered in LibertaGia Mondial, I read reviews on Google, different blogs, social networks and much more; then I asked  the company’s administration for information and I got a quick reply. I checked LibertaGia Mondial management policies, code of conduct, rules and regulations, and with all this, I decided that the website wasn’t a fake one. My belief then, was 100% that LibertaGia Mondial was a serious business and it will always pay.

How is working in Pakistan for LibertaGia Mondial?

It is very exciting. There is not one company in the country like LibertaGia Mondial. It takes care of all members and that makes me feel happy, and proud to be a part of it. All my best wishes are with LibertaGia Mondial. I hope LibertaGia Mondial will make progress by leaps and bounds in the country, because this company helps to overcome poverty among all.

Do you think LibertaGia Mondial's project will spread in Pakistan?

Waooo, this is the much much more exciting answer to give. Only in Pakistan, from my personal experience, there are thousands of people registering, and this rate is increasing day by day.